


Teacher Introduction of Sujit-sauryayoga

2000 年為追求身體健康,開始接觸瑜珈體位法,並持續有規律的練習,2008 年開始閱讀哈達瑜珈經 Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā、勝王瑜珈經 Yoga Sūtra、博伽梵歌 bhagavad-gītā、王者之王瑜珈經 Aṣṭāvakra Gītā 透過經典的教導來鍛鍊瑜珈,2010年因書本認識了邱顯峰老師,開始跟隨學習至今,也因此因緣而接觸阿南達瑪迦,了解到人生真諦「自我了悟、服務社會」為想服務更多的人開始了我瑜珈的教學,為教學讓我更精進的自我成長,個人教學依照經典教導:瑜珈八肢同步鍛鍊,包含有身體層、能量層、心靈層、心靈導向靈性層不同層次的體會,希望大家都能在身心靈上受益。

Bābā Nāma Kevalama 愛無所不在 Love is all there is!


For the pursuit of physical health, I approached yogic asana and continued regular practice since 2002 ; in 2008, I started reading Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā, Yoga Sūtra, bhagavad-gītā, and Aṣṭāvakra Gītā for training in yoga through the classic teachings. In 2010, I came to know Teacher Xianfeng Qiu beause of a few books, and I’ve been following him for my learnings ever since. Due to this, I also came in contact with Ananda Marga Pracharaka Samgha, which made me realize that the true meaning of life lies in “personal development, social service”; wishing to serve more people, I henceforth began teaching yoga, which also refines my personal growth. My teaching is based on the classics: training the eight limbs of yoga simultaneously, which includes the different layers of feelings and awareness about physical level, energy level, mind level, and spiritual level; I hope everybody can bring benefits to their body, mind, and soul.
I have quite some personal experiences to share about finding difficulty collaborating my body at the early stage of practicing yoga, while gradually removed the obstacles through the training, and understand how to listen to the message our body carries to further connect mind and soul with physical training. Being healthy is an outward movement starts internally, we shall let the real substance of practicing yogic asana bring harmony to our body and mind. If chance permits, I’d love to share what I’ve gained from yoga with you, and spread bliss and love to the world.

Bābā Nāma Kevalama . Love is all there is!



美國瑜伽連盟教師認證 RYT 200
Paul Dallaghan – SPACE YOGA Teacher Training 200H


Yoga Certification

Chakra & Kundalini Yoga Teacher in The Path of Bliss Meditation Association
Yogic Pranayama & Mudra Teacher in The Path of Bliss Meditation Association
Five Elements and Mind Transformation Yoga Teacher in The Path of Bliss Meditation Association
Advanced Asana Teacher Workshop The Path of Bliss Meditation Association
RYT 200 Certified Teacher by Yoga Alliance
Paul Dallaghan – SPACE YOGA Teacher Training 200H